Population YQ Organic Wheat Berries

Population YQ Organic Wheat Berries
The whole kernels of the wheat cereal, which can be cooked and eaten whole, similar to oat groats or bulgar wheat. Wheat is a member of the grass family and produces a dry one- seeded fruit, commonly known as a grain or kernel. The whole grain has still got the fibre rich outer layer intact, known as the bran. This course outer layer is also rich in nutrients such as B vitamins in particular.
Order online from: THE APRICOT CENTRE
Or check out or STOCKIST PAGE to buy in store.
Great for:
Salads, soups & stews
To cook: To Cook: Simmer for 60 minutes or until tender
Eat: Within 6 months of packing date
Grown at: The Apricot Centre, Huxham’s Cross Farm