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What if we decommodify & relocalise our grain production?


All About Decommodification & Relocalisation

'Reclaim The Grain' is about the decommodification and relocalisation of basic food ingredients; such as flour, oats, and other grains. Small-scale farmers are growing resilient varieties using methods that are low in carbon and support biodiversity. Reclaim The Grain will help make their businesses sustainable offering a price that reflects the costs of production.

The grains are dried, cleaned, milled and flaked all within one mile of the farms where they are grown. The mill works at low temperatures maintaining the nutritional integrity of the grain. Professional and home bakers can source these fresh local grains to make healthy and delicious artisan bread, pastries, cakes, biscuits, granola and muesli.

Reclaim The Grain is a Trademark (application pending) of Dartington Mill CIC - two farms (The Apricot Centre CIC, Old Parsonage Farm) and an artisan baker (The Almond Thief), working together in a unique collaboration to produce high-quality products.


Why it matters

Grains have become a commodity worldwide. Most of UK bread, even organic, is made with flour imported from across the world, but it can be grown and milled locally in an agro-ecological, sustainable way that increases biodiversity and builds soil capacity.

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Flavour & health

Our flour is milled and appears on the shelves within a week. Fresh unadulterated flour retains the nutrition and flavour in a way that industrially processed flour that sits on a shelf for months cannot.


The Mill

The New American Mill has been imported from Vermont by a baker turned mill maker who wanted to inspire bakers to use a fresh product to produce amazing quality, fresh nutritious flour

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The Farms, The People

Reclaim The Grain supports local farmers and bakers in a circular economy that benefits them all. Dartington Mill CIC is a ‘business for purpose’ that does not profit from its operations, it exists to support the people and the farms that are involved.


